Zoll AED's assist and guide users in providing high quality CPR. These AED's have proven to provide users with the feedback to provide much higher quality CPR than any other. A brand we trust in our home, workplace, or public places.
Zoll AED Plus
The Zoll Plus provides continuous CPR feedback assisting everyone in that difficult situation.
With integrated real-time text, voice and visual prompts this provides anyone with support they would like.
Its low total cost to own makes this a smart investment.
Zoll AED 3
With all the same great qualities of the ZOll Plus this AED offers enhanced real CPR help.
Dynamic rescue images in a full color display.
Integrated pediatric rescue....no need to worry about switching electrode pads, simply apply the pads and activate child mode by the push of a button.
Easy maintenance and self checks with wi-fi connectivity.
We sell the accessories you require to go with your new AED, from wall cabinets, signs, carrying cases, spare batteries, training equipment and much more.
Speak to us and we will assist in getting you or the workplace prepared.
Why trust Dynamic for this purchase
As Zoll stands beside its products to ensure everything they have put to market has been researched tried and tested to perform Dynamice First Aid stands beside you the customer to ensure you have all the information when making this decision.
We provide the training to ensure our customers are comfortable with their purchase.